He's the tall guy with the slicked down hair.

I've met and talked to Nu-Lite on the phone a couple times since last week. I got the correct movie with the characters I was supposed to watch on Friday. It's called Pastor Jones 4: Sisters in Spirit 2. The quality was much higher than Pastor Jones 2. I watched the movie on Saturday and instantly got ideas for my story. I finished outlining the script yesterday and I'm going to send a 5 page treatment to the producer in an hour or two, once their offices open. If she likes it then I'm going to start on the script (I'm also going to ask when I get mah moniez, because I'm not going to give them a completed script without it. I'm also going to register it with the WGA so they don't try to scam me) and since I outlined it so precisely it should only take me a couple of days, depending on if I get temp work or not. I called them already this morning and I just have to wait to see if they have anything.

This is kind of cool. This is the first time I outlined with note cards. Some screenwriters do it and it worked well on this type of story. The top row is ACT I, ACT II, and ACT III then rest are scenes or important things that happen in those Acts.
I'm going to try and shoot the movie July 18th-27th. I made the story easy to shoot. Minimal locations and characters, but a good story. I even put a Grandpa Slick cameo in there.
Other than all that I've been trying to keep busy. I saw The Happening which wasn't very good. I went to Nathan's church. I thrifted yesterday and put some stuff on eBay. I'm watching a lot of movies. I'm trying to feel OK about not working but I guess I am working because I'm getting paid to write the script and I probably will get a temp job at some point soon. If not then I'm supposed to start working at VER in July.
Happy Father's Day the other day and today Ashlea's Brother's fiance is having her baby Mia.
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