Thursday, December 20, 2007

Waiting For My Big Break

I just finished the first draft of the script I am going to submit for the LA program. It is supposed to be 8 minutes (aka 8 pages in standard screenplay format). Mine is about 7 pages but some of my concepts will be longer in the film than they are on paper I think.
The script is titled Waiting For My Big Break and it is about a young woman who moved to Los Angeles to follow her dreams and become what she always has wanted to be since she was a little girl...a waitress. The only problem is that all she can get is acting jobs on the side while she's waiting for her big waitressing break. Get the title now? The pitch sounds a little hokey but I think I found a great tone and I'm really proud of the script. I was going to post the first couple of pages to give you a sample of the humor but the blog wouldn't let me format it correctly and it looked like a mess.
If you would like to read the first couple of pages of the script just email me at PeterLHarmon at and I'll send you them. Or you can just wait five months until it is produced (hopefully).

I wrote this script more descriptively than I usually write just in case I'm not the one who eventually directs it at the LA program. I have a very clear vision of how it has to look and I don't want it to be messed up.

Online TV shows to watch: like I said yesterday, Wainy Days at also Clark and Michael at which if you haven't seen it by now you're really late but it's still worth watching if you're a fan. It's smarter and probably generally funnier than Superbad and I know how much we all love that movie (which I do but it's not the end all be all).

Fun fact: I'm friends with Clark Duke on youtube and I messaged him one time and he responded.

the aforementioned Clark and Michael

Movies to watch: Eastern Promises. It's so good. And of course Superbad but before you watch any Judd Apatow productions you need to buy the DVD boxed sets of Freaks and Geeks and Undeclared. Or borrow them from me but you'll have to give it back by January.

Questions, comments, feedback, (movie, etc related) announcements you want me to post send to me PeterLHarmon at

1 comment:

ashlea said...

dont forget that i am friends with michael cera via myspace for his short film "darling darling." he has messaged me twice!!
