Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So, I've added some ads to my blog. Mostly they're for things like Netflix and Film schools and whatever that are related to my blog so that's cool, it'd be awesome if you could click on them every now and then if they seem interesting. For example, if you have a Netflix account or want a Netflix account anyway, use the ad right?

However, I also enabled Amazon ads where I can link directly to movies, TV, etc that I wrote or have some relationship to and, since I wrote my movies non-union and got paid only a couple hundred dollars for each with no back-end deal, I can now make a (small) percentage off of the movies I sell if you buy them directly from a link on my blog. Usually union writers get a cut of the DVD sales, I am non-union and do not, now I can if you clink the links on my sidebar and actually buy the movie or click links like this: Pastor Jones: Heavenly Voices or this: Johnson Family Christmas Dinner

Right now on amazon you can get both of my movies "used" which sometimes still means sealed and new for under $5.

But when my next two DVDs come out buy them here on my blog, I'll make it really easy and I'll let you know when they're available.  Those next two movies are Walk By Faith: After the Honeymoon and Nora's Hair Salon 3 (those are the IMDb pages).  If you have IMDbPro check out my page by the way.

If you want to catch up on the epic sagas of Nora and Walk by Faith, check out these movies: Nora's Hair Salon, Nora's Hair Salon 2 (Full Sub Sen), and Walk by Faith.

I'm preparing to direct a web series, we're having our first shoot on Tuesday (hopefully).  We'll be launching a Youtube, Twitter, Email address, Vimeo, etc, etc for that once we have one or two episodes edited and ready to post.

My basketball league starts tomorrow!  Awesome.

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