The movie that I wrote that I thought was going to be released on DVD in September has had it's release date pushed back to possibly February. Birthday present from me to me?
Nora's Hair Salon 3 has an IMDb page and an official release date, March 3rd, 2011.
Happenstances is still in the works, my producer is talking to a line producer and a budget will be made soon.
I have a first draft of the baseball movie I've been talking about, I gave it to Phil and I am waiting for his notes. The day I gave it to him though he read it and called me to tell me he loved it, which is rewarding. I hope to get his notes soon and have a draft we can give to my manager and Phil can start giving it to his contacts as well.
I recently started meeting with some LAFSC alums and friends of friends to do a comedy web series. I'll be directing the episodes, we already have scripts for a few episodes and hope to shoot some in the next couple of weeks.
I also did a variety show/ Chappelle's show type spec for a friend of my manager. Typical Pete, being cryptic, but it would be an awesome job if I got it.
The next thing I'm working on is a new draft of Addicted to You to enter in the 2011 Beverly Hills Film Festival, because that was so much fun last year. I met with one of my professors from Towson/ a Producer on Intervention to talk about the script and he gave me good ideas about the story. If you're a screenwriter, the Earlybird Deadline to submit a screenplay for the 2011 competition is October 1st. Go to Withoutabox to submit.
My new phone and phone number have been working out. If you play the Droid scrabble game WordFeud then look me up, my name is PeterLH.
And one of the most exciting things, to me, I'm going to start playing in an intramural basketball league in Beverly Hills next week!!! Ten games and playoffs. I can't wait.
Things are good at home, Ash started school again so we are deliberate with trying to spend time together during the week, but she loves her students. Summer is a good babe. I've been getting discouraged about the writing things but looking at all the projects in various stages is reassuring, and I've had some stuff made, and I'm young, etc, etc... So I'm not too down in the dumps about any of that.
Here's an interesting article about Intervention by the way.
Follow me on Twitter @PeterLHarmon
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