If you get a chance, check out my imdb page. I have a couple new credits from my stint on "American Idol." I seamlessly got back into some "Intervention" minutes this week. I'm really glad the timing of my jobs worked out. In a post a few posts ago I was all like, OMG May is going to be so crazy, I don't know what I'm going to be doing for work, blah blah blah. I'm calling myself out for sicing it. "American Idol" was crazy hours for 7 days straight though but it was super cool.
Another cool thing that happened recently was I got a call from a writer for Best Semester Magazine. Best Semester is the Christian study abroad organization that LAFSC, the program I completed in Spring of '08, falls under. They also have programs in DC, Russia, China, Australia, Oxford, Uganda, etc. Anyway, I had answered some questions about my time at LAFSC for what seemed like a general, 'what are you up to since the program' type deal for a previous issue of Best Semester Magazine but they didn't use any of my quotes. Turns out that was because they wanted to do an article about me being a screenwriter in LA after completing LAFSC. So earlier this week on Wednesday I was interviewed for an upcoming issue. She asked me about life in LA, the two movies I wrote that are now out on DVD and iTunes and all that, and other things like that. I'll definitely keep you posted and hopefully be able to link to it when it comes out.
By the way, Pastor Jones Heavenly Voices (bka Preachin' to the Choir) has an Average of 26 ratings: 3.7 out of 5 stars on Netflix. That's legit.
Joe Frank and Rico were in town last weekend, they had a bomb room in the Hyatt on Sunset Blvd. We got to go to their rooftop penthouse pool overlooking Hollywood. Ash and I also got to show them around a little bit. We just dropped Kerry off at the Flyaway bus a bit ago too, so we've had solid company for over a week. It's been really fun to hang with MD people. Thankfully we got to see some celebs while they were here. We saw Shane West and I'm not sure if he has an accent or not but I told him I was a big fan of his, Tate Donovan aka Jimmy Cooper from the OC, Derek Waters of 'Drunk History' fame, John Francis Daley from "Freaks and Geeks" looking fresh hanging out with another Geek alum Martin Starr in his full Knocked Up Kaczynski beard for some reason, and this very morning when we dropped Kerry off at Hollywood and Highland the touristy-ist trappiest place on Earth, we spied Danny McBride walking down the street. This dude is on the biggest billboard on Hollywood and Highland right now for Land of the Lost but we saw him with some lady in front of the Hollywood Blvd McDonald's wearing almost all khaki. He is so funny. So eventful stuff.
Tomorrow June starts. I'm looking forward to June, then July, which will be a defining month in my life, followed by August, or in Ashlea and my case Dog-ust because we're going to be dogging it up. More on that later.
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The past 7 days in a row I was a production assistant on "American Idol." They needed extra PAs for the finale and Jonathan hooked me up. It worked perfectly with the little "Intervention" hiatus that was going on with transcription minutes, so that was awesome. I turned in some rush minutes they had for me on the 13th then reported to the Nokia Theater for Idol the 14th and worked until yesterday. Jonathan asked me if I was interested in the job before I knew about the lack of minutes for the week or two and I thought that it would be a cool change of pace anyway. I like to switch it up every once in a while.
The job was great. There were some drawbacks of course, I never had a call time later than 7am and for like 3 days in a row my call time was 5am. I worked at least 12 hours each day and worked 16 hours the last two days, which were show days. But other than being draining and long the job was pretty good as far as jobs go. I got to drive the "American Idol" Expedition around LA, meals were deliciously catered (sushi!!), the money was pretty good especially with overtime, and stars were walking around like crazy.
Over the course of the rehearsals and show days I saw: all the idols, gave the nods to Kris, Adam told me he didn't want any ice in his dressing room, got an energy drink for Anoop and I initiated a pound with him, saw all the judges, Seacrest, David Cook who has a pedophile beard...

that Bikini Girl or whatever (I never learned what her deal was), Carrie Underwood, Kiss, Lionel and NICOLE!!!! Richie, Carlos Santana (I tried to buy a case of that Santana Champagne too, jk, anyone?) Jason Mraz which I think I was the most excited about cause his two latest songs have cranked but sadly he has a pedophile goatee, Queen Latifah (actually looking kinda good, I didn't see her perform but just walking in in regular clothes), I tried to help Matt Giraud (I have NO idea who that dude is) find his iPhone with the Louis Vuitton case, I watched Rod Stewart perform live in the empty theater at rehearsal, I loled at Daughtry because there weren't any cold Diet Cokes for him, he had an extreme pedophile soul patch), and most likely if they were on the finale I saw them hanging out at some point. I tried to avoid David Archuleta cause he was always hanging around for like 3 days talking to everybody and looking like a slightly older Oliver Beene.

I'm in a picture with Adam and Kris when they're walking to the stage from their dressing rooms wearing the white outfits they had on for the first song. A guy snapped a picture and I was right behind them, it would be awesome to somehow find that.
The thing that was most amazing to me was that people actually cared about "American Idol." I haven't watched the show since Ruben (who was there last night apologizing for 2005-9) and I don't have regular TV at all right now but the buzz is crazy. The line to get into the shows and rehearsals was around the theater and around the block. I was listening to Seacrest on the radio and people were calling in to talk about what Adam was going to wear...who cares? A billion people apparently.
I didn't get to see most of the show last night cause I had to drive somewhere for the show but did you see that "music video" brought to you by Ford. It would suck to be an American Idol, you have to immediately sell out. This isn't it but you get the idea:
They're rich though...worth it?
But yeah, so I'm chilling out for the next couple days and getting more "Intervention" work next week.
Why does Eminem sound like Don't Mess With the Zohan on his new CD?
The job was great. There were some drawbacks of course, I never had a call time later than 7am and for like 3 days in a row my call time was 5am. I worked at least 12 hours each day and worked 16 hours the last two days, which were show days. But other than being draining and long the job was pretty good as far as jobs go. I got to drive the "American Idol" Expedition around LA, meals were deliciously catered (sushi!!), the money was pretty good especially with overtime, and stars were walking around like crazy.
Over the course of the rehearsals and show days I saw: all the idols, gave the nods to Kris, Adam told me he didn't want any ice in his dressing room, got an energy drink for Anoop and I initiated a pound with him, saw all the judges, Seacrest, David Cook who has a pedophile beard...

that Bikini Girl or whatever (I never learned what her deal was), Carrie Underwood, Kiss, Lionel and NICOLE!!!! Richie, Carlos Santana (I tried to buy a case of that Santana Champagne too, jk, anyone?) Jason Mraz which I think I was the most excited about cause his two latest songs have cranked but sadly he has a pedophile goatee, Queen Latifah (actually looking kinda good, I didn't see her perform but just walking in in regular clothes), I tried to help Matt Giraud (I have NO idea who that dude is) find his iPhone with the Louis Vuitton case, I watched Rod Stewart perform live in the empty theater at rehearsal, I loled at Daughtry because there weren't any cold Diet Cokes for him, he had an extreme pedophile soul patch), and most likely if they were on the finale I saw them hanging out at some point. I tried to avoid David Archuleta cause he was always hanging around for like 3 days talking to everybody and looking like a slightly older Oliver Beene.

I'm in a picture with Adam and Kris when they're walking to the stage from their dressing rooms wearing the white outfits they had on for the first song. A guy snapped a picture and I was right behind them, it would be awesome to somehow find that.
The thing that was most amazing to me was that people actually cared about "American Idol." I haven't watched the show since Ruben (who was there last night apologizing for 2005-9) and I don't have regular TV at all right now but the buzz is crazy. The line to get into the shows and rehearsals was around the theater and around the block. I was listening to Seacrest on the radio and people were calling in to talk about what Adam was going to wear...who cares? A billion people apparently.
I didn't get to see most of the show last night cause I had to drive somewhere for the show but did you see that "music video" brought to you by Ford. It would suck to be an American Idol, you have to immediately sell out. This isn't it but you get the idea:
They're rich though...worth it?
But yeah, so I'm chilling out for the next couple days and getting more "Intervention" work next week.
Why does Eminem sound like Don't Mess With the Zohan on his new CD?
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
I made some additions to the ole blog. I added some links ->
I updated the "My Life in LA" section, my IMDB My Movies list is being updated daily, I have some new credits on my page on IMDB, and just some cool stuff like that.
I have some fun job prospects coming up at the end of this week that I'll talk about if it actually happens but this past week or so I transcribed for "Intervention" and I also got some work on a show that's not a show yet so I can't talk about it.
But, today is (might) be the day the other movie I wrote for Nu-Lite/ BlackChristianMovies.com comes out. It's actually more confusing than I would have imagined. The release date is either May 12th, 2009 (which is today) or May 19th, 2009 (which is a week from today) and the title is either:


It's like one of those 'find 5 things that's different between the two' awesome mind puzzles!!
Weird stuff. My screenplay was titled Pastor Jones Preaching to the Choir, then one of the idea men jazzed it up by droppin' the G and makin' it Pastor Jones Preachin' to the Choir which I wholeheartedly support. But this Heavenly Voices business? Whatever, I'm not sure where you can get this movie yet except that I know that for all of you with Netflix you can go here: Pastor Jones Heavenly Voices
Other than working hard I've been watching a lot of movies, mainly really bad ones. Twilight was ridiculous. They couldn't get more makeup to cover the "vampires" necks and hairlines? It looked like Halloween '08 with all those Jokers walking around. The dialogue was dumb, that dude every girl sices wasn't even attractive looking and he had a wussy voice. And the baseball game...what?
The Spirit sucked, Lakeview Terrace was some buns, Ghost Town was meh. I keep trying to catch up with these 2008 movies when I should be watching good movies from other years as opposed to trying to see everything I missed (probably for the best) in theaters.
I am also watching "The Wire" Season 5. So good. So far my favorite part was when the kids went to Six Flags. "Where's Fairfax?" lol.
So, I'll have a busy weekend/ next week but I'll update you once it's done and/or I have some real info.
75 days until me and Ashlea's wedding! So weird to say that but I'm so excited. Who knew? I wonder to myself if my friends/family think I've changed a lot or am super weird for getting married already or that something happened to my brain or something. I'm still regular Pete, I'm just making grown man moves.
This has already been a strange, long, full, mish-mash of a post, but, just to make it more multi media:
Classic Pete.
I updated the "My Life in LA" section, my IMDB My Movies list is being updated daily, I have some new credits on my page on IMDB, and just some cool stuff like that.
I have some fun job prospects coming up at the end of this week that I'll talk about if it actually happens but this past week or so I transcribed for "Intervention" and I also got some work on a show that's not a show yet so I can't talk about it.
But, today is (might) be the day the other movie I wrote for Nu-Lite/ BlackChristianMovies.com comes out. It's actually more confusing than I would have imagined. The release date is either May 12th, 2009 (which is today) or May 19th, 2009 (which is a week from today) and the title is either:

It's like one of those 'find 5 things that's different between the two' awesome mind puzzles!!
Weird stuff. My screenplay was titled Pastor Jones Preaching to the Choir, then one of the idea men jazzed it up by droppin' the G and makin' it Pastor Jones Preachin' to the Choir which I wholeheartedly support. But this Heavenly Voices business? Whatever, I'm not sure where you can get this movie yet except that I know that for all of you with Netflix you can go here: Pastor Jones Heavenly Voices
Other than working hard I've been watching a lot of movies, mainly really bad ones. Twilight was ridiculous. They couldn't get more makeup to cover the "vampires" necks and hairlines? It looked like Halloween '08 with all those Jokers walking around. The dialogue was dumb, that dude every girl sices wasn't even attractive looking and he had a wussy voice. And the baseball game...what?
The Spirit sucked, Lakeview Terrace was some buns, Ghost Town was meh. I keep trying to catch up with these 2008 movies when I should be watching good movies from other years as opposed to trying to see everything I missed (probably for the best) in theaters.
I am also watching "The Wire" Season 5. So good. So far my favorite part was when the kids went to Six Flags. "Where's Fairfax?" lol.
So, I'll have a busy weekend/ next week but I'll update you once it's done and/or I have some real info.
75 days until me and Ashlea's wedding! So weird to say that but I'm so excited. Who knew? I wonder to myself if my friends/family think I've changed a lot or am super weird for getting married already or that something happened to my brain or something. I'm still regular Pete, I'm just making grown man moves.
This has already been a strange, long, full, mish-mash of a post, but, just to make it more multi media:
Classic Pete.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Johnson Family Christmas Download
LOL, you can rent or buy the movie I (semi) wrote, Johnson Family Christmas Dinner, on iTunes. They actually have a correct synopsis on the page. However, for some reason they have the wrong screenwriter listed.
I would suggest not renting or buying the movie but you could watch the trailer for free.
I would suggest not renting or buying the movie but you could watch the trailer for free.
Sunday, May 3, 2009
Just wanted to quickly say I added some links to my sidebar ->
I added a link to Smart Reels, a company that Jonathan Hay (roommate) started to help actors improve their reels by tailor making a short film for the particular actor's strengths, look, type, etc. If you know anyone that needs that kind of thing direct them to that.
I also added a link to watch my short film Bedrock. It was shot on HD but the quality on the link isn't great, but it's still alright. My buddy Bryan is the guy in the car, he's an actor out here in LA area.
I am also going to embed it right here but if you missed today's post you can always click on it in my link bar.
Also, check out my IMDB page, I have some recent credits to my name. I'm always excited about that.
Ashlea and I had our first pre-marital counseling session today. It went awesome, we're looking forward to more of it.
Congrats to Travis and Rita!!! I wish I could be there.
I added a link to Smart Reels, a company that Jonathan Hay (roommate) started to help actors improve their reels by tailor making a short film for the particular actor's strengths, look, type, etc. If you know anyone that needs that kind of thing direct them to that.
I also added a link to watch my short film Bedrock. It was shot on HD but the quality on the link isn't great, but it's still alright. My buddy Bryan is the guy in the car, he's an actor out here in LA area.
I am also going to embed it right here but if you missed today's post you can always click on it in my link bar.
Bedrock from Smart Reels on Vimeo.
Also, check out my IMDB page, I have some recent credits to my name. I'm always excited about that.
Ashlea and I had our first pre-marital counseling session today. It went awesome, we're looking forward to more of it.
Congrats to Travis and Rita!!! I wish I could be there.
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