I turned in the first draft of the script I was working on for an Actress/Producer that had a role in the movie that I wrote: Pastor Jones: Heavenly Voices. The script turned out really good, now I wait for her notes and I do another draft and get paid the last installment of our agreement. It should be produced in 2012.
Subscribe to The Fanboy Scoop - A Week in Review! I write sketches for their podcast, I posted the scripts in the previous posts. Now that I'm current with that I'll post a link to the pod and the script when the pod is released.
The End. won the Audience Choice Award at the Los Angeles Film Studies Center's Alumni Film Festival! They programmed the following episodes and interspersed them throughout the night.
I wrote two of those episodes and directed all three!!
A Google Alert alerted me to a site that is illegally hosting Nora's Hair Salon 3: Shear Disaster. Usually I ignore things like that because I got paid a flat rate so I don't really care how many DVDs they sell except that if they sell a lot of DVDs they'll probably want to hire me again, etc, etc...
But just for S's and G's I clicked the link and discovered you can watch the entire movie, BUT I have mixed feelings because 3,085 people on Facebook 'liked' the movie. So it's cool that people like a movie that I wrote, but I wish I could hear about it in a different way I guess is what I'm saying.
It's also weird that you would 'like' something on Facebook like that, couldn't anyone trace that and bust you?
I have a new audio sketch on this week's The Fanboy Scoop - Week in Review. It's called Re-Booty Call and it's loosely about DC Comics "giving up the ghost on the current consecutive numbering of all their titles, in favor of what they intend to be inviting, more “accessible” new #1 issues." - Newsarama.com Sounds hilarious right? It is though!
You can subscribe to the podcast on iTunes via The Fanboy Scoop link on the sidebar. Also, to get a daily dose of The Fanboy Scoop, email subscribe@fanboycomics.net!
I put up an ad on Craigslist to see if there is a demand for this sort of thing, here's the link and here's the ad:
Need your credit or film posted on IMDb?
IMDb is the industry's source for credits, it's your e-resume if you're in the entertainment business.
Need your film or a credit posted on IMDb but don't have an IMDb account? Don't know how to use IMDb? Have an account and know how to use it but you're super rich and pay people to do things for you?
Then I can help. I know my way around IMDb and I can get your credit listed. (email me for examples of credits I've gotten listed)
Here's how it works: Give me all the information about the credit (we can communicate back and forth through email until I get all the info I need), send the money to my Paypal, and I'll forward you the confirmation email from IMDb that insures that they will process your credit.
$10 for a single credit added to an existing film, TV show, etc.
$25 for a new short listing (film short, TV show episode, etc)
$35 for a new feature listing (feature film, TV or web series, etc)
Email me with any questions you may have, or send me some info and we can get started!
So if you know anyone that needs this sort of thing let them know I can do it. If I make any money off of this I'll put it straight into the Love-Bites-o-meter.
I was browsing The A.V. Club and saw that the trailer for Moneyball was released. I knew one of my writing partners, Phil Pote, was involved in Moneyball in some way so I watched the trailer and he's all over it! He even has a line! He's the guy who says "Who's Fabio?" 32 seconds in.
So awesome.
Just a reminder, here's the synopsis for the screenplay we wrote together (we're still trying to sell it so if you're interested...)
Baseball's First Lady
Co-written with veteran Major League Baseball Scout Phil Pote
Jacqueline "J.R." Raines, mid 30s, coaches softball at a Southern California high school. Her grandfather Solomon "Salty" Raines, 70s, is a baseball scout for the Los Angeles Stars. When Salty has a stroke and J.R. loses her summer job she takes his place and becomes the First Female Major League Baseball Scout.
Her early days as a scout are plagued by betrayal and self doubt, will she have what it takes to find the next big bat or hot hand? Or will her male peers destroy her before she has a chance?
WGA # 1454965