But enough about me (more about me soon though), recently The Bitter Script Reader had an awesome post about another blog Notes From a Hack that, among other things, chronicled the blogger's experience writing In the Mix, aka That Usher Movie... No Not She's All That The Other One, in seven parts. Here is the link to the seventh part, the blogger has links to all the parts there, or use this link for The BSR's post. Read it in order, it ends with a hair raising cliffhanger each time. I am a huge fan of the journey from lowest totem on the pole to produced screenwriter, this is a great example.
Another fun fact, one of the screenwriters, that the blogger is talking about in his epic tale who eventually got a 'story by' credit for In the Mix, wrote the first two Nora's Hair Salons, which I of course wrote the third
Since I'm name dropping all these other blogs, their readers might stumble across this blog, here is a silly episode of The End.
The season (possibly series) finale of The End. is shot and being edited currently. I'll post it as soon as it's released.
And I'm getting a raise at my day (aka night) job soon, woop woop. But I need to remember to never settle, never get comfortable there, the dream is to be a full time writer (but if I were to write for the show then that would be awesome too).
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