I want to officially introduce Summer "Princess Sparkle" Roberts-Cohen Harmon to the world.

We got her yesterday. Her brother and sister were bought last week by Anna Faris and Chris Pratt. Anna Faris is from Scary Movie and The House Bunny, etc and Chris Pratt is from "The O.C." Wanted, and "Parks and Recreation." They just got married too!
Summer is 7 weeks old, super cute, and so far a pretty smart dog. I'm sure I'll always have new pictures of her up on facebook.
I'm going back to working for "Intervention" tomorrow, I plan to actively look for a new job over the next few weeks/ months but I'm in no hurry. I am about to finish a screenplay that I hope can maybe get read by some people.
I have tons of new stuff on my IMDb page so check that out.
Pastor Jones: Preachin' to the Choir / Heavenly Voices has a bunch of pretty good ratings on Netflix.
Also, I had a $426 red light ticket that I had to go to court for today and the police woman DID show up but she gave me a little pep talk and was really nice to me and asked the judge to dismiss the charges! On the one hand that's awesome and I'm really grateful, but on the other hand $426, seriously? That's sooo much money, come on California. I'm going to be driving like the biggest coward from now on. I'll also be driving like a coward if my little baby dog is in the car!!

Ash and I, the happy couple.
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