and you can:

Make sure you read my earlier blog about how they butchered my script.
Here are some LOL inducing reviews. They sound fake, especially because the cast and crew list and synopses on most websites is wrong.
From The Black Gospel Blog
Alicia Newby said...
This seems like it will be very interesting. I may purchase it for some holiday laughter.
Darla said...
Yea, the movie has a really strong message. It's great for movie night. Its from Jean-Claude La Marre who was apart of the Malcolm-X film. Picked up my copy for my mother at wal-mart. It's worth the watch.
From Film Crave.com
just recently purchased this movie for my parents for christmas. My parents are really huge on christian family movies that deal with family issues and have a bit of humor. From what i hear, it wasnt that bad. I was told it could have uses a larger budget but the overall message in the movie is what really sells it. It has a loving cast and would make a great flick for movie night. Vivendi
And Film Crave has a more accurate synopsis as well!!!!!!!!
At Flixter.com
ouch, but at least I got this one too:
It's a decent family flick that you wont be afraid to watch with your children. Just in time for the holidays. Jean Claude La Marre is attached to it. He was apart of the Malcolm-X movie. Check it ou!
here's another one by the same guy as the review before only on a different site called crosswalk.com
Jean-Claude La Marre who was apart of the Malcolm X movie, just released a movie titled Johnson Family Christmas Dinner. I found the movie at the store while I was out buying Christmas presents for the family. It’s one of those black Christmas movies that everyone watches because of all the humor and drama. Vivendi. If anyone has seen it, let me know if it was any good.
I guess he ended up buying it.
Looking for a great movie to enjoy with the family? What about a great Christmas gift for somebody? 'Johnson Family Christmas Dinner' is a great movie that the entire family can enjoy.
this poet wrote a review on movieweb.com
I am really into Jean Claude LaMarre’s work, he produced Malcolm X and the tv series Law and Order. He is really good in my opinion. He has a new film coming out Dec 9th that I’m looking forward in seeing called Johnson’s Family Christmas Dinner. It sounds pretty good, I read the story line and shit, and it doesn’t seem to be like every other x-mas movie that are all the same. I found out about it here…
Yes, this is what I was looking for, a little good natured razzing. I found it on screencrave.com
“Johnson Family Christmas Dinner”
The reason this movie takes the prize is because of its full title: Black Christmas Movies Presents: “Johnson Family Christmas Dinner”. What is Black Christmas Films? Is it a new production company? Is it some new genre?
The real question is can we look forward to other ethnic holiday productions from studios that only make films featuring a specific race about a specific holiday? Such as:
* Asian Thanksgiving Movies Presents: “Turkey Day with the Nguyen Family”
* White Fourth of July Movies Presents: “Fireworks with the O’Connors”
* Latino Easter Movies Presents: “The Great Hernandez Egg Hunt”
* Indian Arbor Day Movies Presents: “The Patels Plant a Tree”
It could go on forever!
I personally think from now on every holiday film should be qualified with the race of the main characters and the holiday they’re celebrating. Because a DVD cover featuring 10 African-Americans and a title containing the word “Christmas” really isn’t clear enough.
and finally, Johnson Family Christmas Dinner's Rotten Tomato Meter Reading is... N/A
Get on there and review it if you've seen it.
i have an early edition of it, does it have my name on the back of the real released one?
no. i looked and was sad.. there is no writing credit on the back of it.
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